Health Emergencies in Cannes
Emergencies in Cannes

Cannes Hospital, av des Broussailes
Single European emergency number - 112
For local medical emergencies, accidents and fire always call 18 first for help. They are the fastest to respond
Police: 17
Samu:Ambulance Service 15
Fire/Medical - Pompier/Sauveur 18
Riviera Medical Services English speaking service 04 93 26 12 70
SOS Medecin - out of hours GP service 08 25 00 50 04
Single European emergency number 112
Sea or Lake Rescue 1616
Child Abuse Hotline 119
Homeless Hotline 115
Drugs & Alcohol Hotline 113
CANNES HOSPITAL - avenue des Brousailles (No2 bus direction Blanchisserie)
The A&E department has 10 examination rooms and seven hospital beds with 17 doctors and 60 support staff including nurses. There is also a GP service evenings and weekends manned by local GPs for less serious problems.
In case you need to use the hospital services remember to carry your European health card at all times. You will be charged the full fees but can claim it back, ideally through your travel insurance company. Claiming through the French health service is quite a to do and they will send you a euro cheque to boot.
There is also the Oxford clinic off the Bd Republique and the Meridien clinic at Ave Picaud, La Bocca. Both have small A&E departments.
POLICE: There are two police organisations in Cannes - Municipal and National. The national police station is where you report attacks and stolen property for example ... and pay your parking and other fines. It can be found at the corner of ave de Grasse and the Voie Rapide - it is the ugly, dirty, modern, curved building.
The main municipal police station is at the side of the bus station - it is here you come if your car has been towed away.